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Choose from the highest quality stone countertops. We carry a selection of natural stone and quartz countertops.


Thank you for choosing your granite/stone today at Design Surfaces.  It is our goal to provide the best service to you from your granite/stone selection through the installation of your new countertop.


Below are the steps we will take you through to complete your project:

  • Select and reserve your slab color with a sales representative from Design Surfaces;
  • At the time of selecting your slab, you will review and sign the disclosure, and make a deposit to hold your slab material;
  • Once you have selected your stone, contact our template scheduling line at (440) 799-0125 to schedule your template appointment to measure your project;
  • Once your template is completed by the installer and submitted to Design Surfaces, our sales representative will contact you to finalize the detail of your order and the final cost of your countertop. We cannot give firm quotes until we have received a completed template;
  • If you agree to submit the order, your slab deposit will be used as a down payment for your order. At this point, no changes to stone selection or edge detail can be made;
  • We will then submit your order in our rotation line for fabrication. Once your countertops are fabricated and ready for installation, your sales representative will notify you and collect final payment. The lead-time is based upon the volume of work we have at the time of your project.
  • Upon final payment, please contact our scheduling line at (440) 799-0125 to schedule the installation of your countertops.
  • Please note that if for any reason you must change the scheduled installation or template date within 72 hours of the scheduled time, or if any information provided by the customer is incorrect as it relates to our ability to correctly install or template the countertops, or the homeowner/contractor is not present at time of template, the customer will be charged an additional $100.00 for each follow-up visit.


To ensure a smooth process with your purchase of countertops, we are asking that you review, agree to and acknowledge receipt and understanding, and execute this agreement and statement of our policies as part of your order.  Please read the following carefully, and sign below to indicate your understanding and agreement.


Characteristics of Natural Stone and Quartz:  Customer acknowledges that natural stone products vary in gauging, coloration, shading, markings and texture.  Thus, as uniqueness is an inherent characteristic in natural stone and quartz, Design Surfaces DOES NOT guarantee that all pieces will be consistently uniform.  Natural stones are likely to have pits, fissures and dull spots.  Various lighting conditions and installation places will affect the appearance of the countertop surface.  These materials are extremely rigid and will NOT conform to uneven cabinets or walls.

Seams:  Placement of all required seams is at the discretion of the fabricator.  Natural stone and quartz countertops will have visible seams and seam width will vary from stone to stone.  A seam constitutes the point at which two different slabs are jointed together.  Design Surfaces does not recommend or use epoxy for its installation practices.  Design Surfaces uses a flexible joint material which is a permanent installation practice.  These seams will be visible and a gap of no greater than 1/8th of an inch is considered acceptable.  Granite installed under this method is a permanent installation which allows for settling of the structure, cabinets and/or granite.  If due to settling the seam alignment changes, this can be easily adjusted on-site well after the date of installation.  A service charge will be necessary for resettling or realigning of seams more than 90 days after installation.

Epoxy Fill:  Customer acknowledges that due to the nature of natural and quartz products, cracks and chips may occur which will be filled with a color matched epoxy resin during the fabrication and/or installation process.  A professional installer or fabricator will repair and fill cracks, chips and breaks with an epoxy resin.  Design Surfaces WILL NOTE guarantee atop will be free of cracks as this is a normal course of operation in the stone industry.  A repair will be made within professional standards in the industry.

Polish:  The final appearance of the polished surface of each type of natural stone or quartz is determined by the specific components or mix of quartz, feldspars and other material.  While the overall appearance will be a high gloss finish (except in the case of honed surfaces), some components within the granite may not accept the same level of polish as the rest of the crystals, resulting in so-called dull spots or watermarks.

Pitting:  A characteristic referred to as pitting may result from granite’s crystalline structure, which can sometimes result in small spaces that form between the varying mineral crystals.  In some instances, certain crystals may also be removed during the polishing process, causing pits to become more visible.  Pitting contributes to the stone’s uniqueness and will not become worse over the passage of time.

Fissures:  Fissures are the natural result of the heating and cooling of stone during its formation millions of years ago.  Fissures will not grow or expand over time and are natural veining characteristics to all natural stones.  Some stones may have more fissures than others depending upon the mineral composition.

Vein Directions:  During the cutting process, Design Surfaces will consider the vein direction and will attempt to produce the finished product with vein patterns running in one direction.  Customer acknowledges that due to the variety, size and inherent characteristics of the stone (i.e. avoiding cracks), consistent vein direction may not be achieved in some areas. Vein direction is at Design Surfaces’ sole discretion and Design Surfaces attempts to minimize all waste in its layout decisions. In order to avoid waste and maximize material and time, customer layouts are not permitted.

Sealing: Design Surfaces applies no less than two coats of sealant on all countertops prior to installation.  For future sealing needs, please contact your sales representative for questions and products.

Deposit: A deposit is required to hold slabs.  Holds are good for 60 days for in-stock material.  If a template is not submitted within 60 days of deposit, the slab hold will expire.  Design Surfaces will refund your deposit, pending confirmation from a manager.  Holds on remnant material are good for 30 days, and are non-refundable.  No exceptions.

Return Trips:  In some instances, a return trip may be necessary to complete your project. This includes, but is not limited to, measuring for risers, full height splashes, or splashes which require a more accurate measurement. An additional cost of $100 will be added to the order if necessary. This is not always assessed at the quoting phase.

Trip Charge:  Design Surfaces may apply a $100 trip charge for those locations located more than thirty (30) minutes away. This is not always assessed at the quoting phase.

Silicone Use On Splashes:  Design Surfaces does not use silicone caulk at the top of the finished splash or where the splash meets the countertop for its installation practices. Instead, silicone is applied to the back of the splash as well as the bottom, in order to provide a clean appearance without compromising the functionality of the splash.

Retrofitting Splashes/Full Height Splashes: Retrofitting splashes is not recommended and is done at the customer’s own risk. Customer understands that in many cases in which tile needs to be removed in order to add a splash. In cases where full height splashes are desired, there may be a gap of no more than ¼” between the splash and tile/upper cabinet/shelving unit. A return trip for measuring and/or installation will apply.

Plumbing/Cook Tops: Design Surfaces is not responsible for any plumbing or cook top needs. We are not licensed, bonded, or insured to do this work.

Payment Terms:  Customer agrees to provide a deposit of 50% of the total estimated price to finalize the order.  Customer agrees to pay the remaining balance when the countertop stone fabrication is completed and prior to installation.

Returned Checks:  Customer agrees to pay a $35 fee for all returned checks.  Late payments will accrue interest at 18% per year or the maximum rate allowed by law.


Design Surfaces guarantees for one year from the date of installation that the material will be free from fabrication and installation defects.  Design Surfaces will repair or replace, without charge, the material if it fails during the term of the warranty due to any fabrication or installation defect.  This warranty excludes damage caused by settling of the structure, improper use or maintenance of the material, and chips occurring after installation.No implied or expressed warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose is granted by this warranty except as expressly stated herein and Design Surfaces shall not be liable for any loss or direct consequential or incidental damages from the use or inability to use the material as stated herein.The foregoing warranty shall not apply to any labor materials furnished by third parties including the disconnection and/or reconnection of appliances and/or fixtures during the measuring and tear out process.


Should this transaction be governed by the Ohio Revised Code, Sections 1345.21-28, the following shall apply:

If customer does not want the goods, materials and/or services contemplated under this contract and any associated scope of work (if applicable), the customer may cancel this transaction at any time prior to midnight of the third business date after the date of this transaction (dated below) for a full refund by executing and delivering a written notice of cancellation to design surfaces by such time.  The attached notice of cancellation is attached hereto.  Such cancellation policy does not apply to services rendered for an emergency.


By executing below, Customer fully agreesto the terms and conditions contained herein.

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You may cancel this transaction, without any penalty or obligation, within three business days from the above date.

If you cancel, any property traded in, any payments made by you under the contract or sale, and any negotiable instrument executed by you will be returned within ten business days following receipt by the seller of your cancellation notice, and any security interest arising out of the transaction will be cancelled. If you cancel, you must make available to the seller at your residence, in substantially as good condition as when received, any goods delivered to you under this contract or sale; or you may if you wish, comply with the instructions of the seller regarding the return shipment of the goods at the seller's expense and risk.

If you do make the goods available to the seller and the seller does not pick them up within twenty days of the date of your notice of cancellation, you may retain or dispose of the goods without any further obligation. If you fail to make the goods available to the seller, or if you agree to return the goods to the seller and fail to do so, then you remain liable for performance of all obligations under the contract.

To cancel this transaction, mail, with return receipt requested or deliver, in person or manually, a signed and dated copy of this cancellation notice or any other written notice of cancellation, to DESIGN SURFACES, 24000 SPERRY ROAD, WESTLAKE, OHIO 44145, not later than midnight of the third (3rd) business day following the execution of the underlying Agreement.